Jangan menangis.
Jangan juga berhenti.
Allah ada. Dan Allah Maha Kuasa.
Allah ada. Dan Allah Maha Penyayang.
The drought was the very worst
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst
It was months, and months of back and forth
You're still all over me like I wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore
Hung my head, as I lost the war, and the sky turn black like a perfect storm
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And that morning, gone was any trace of you,
I think I'm finally clean.
There was nothing left to do
And the butterflies turned to dust they covered my whole room
So I punched a hole in the roof
Let the flood carry away all my pictures of you
The water filled my lungs, I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And that morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
I think I am finally clean
Said, I think I am finally clean
10 months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean don't mean you don't miss it
10 months older I won't give in
Now that I'm clean I'm never gonna risk it
The drought was the very worst
When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And that morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
Rain came pouring down when I was drowning
That's when I could finally breathe
And that morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
Di hamparan gurun yang seragam, jangan lagi menjadi butiran pasir. Sekalipun nyaman engkau di tengah himpitan sesamamu, tak akan ada yang tahu jika kau melayang hilang.- Filosofi Kopi, Dewi Lestari
Di lingkungan yang serba serupa, untuk apa lagi menjadi kaktus. Sekalipun hijau warnamu, engkau tersebar di mana-mana. Tak ada yang menangis rindu jika kau mati layu.
Di lansekap gurun yang mahaluas, lebih baik idak menjadi oase. Sekalipin rasanya kau sendiri, burung yang tinggi akan melihat kembaranmu di sana-sini.
Di tengah gurun yang tertebaj, jadilah salju yang abadi. Embun pagi tak akan kalahkan dinginmu, angin malam akan menggigil ketika melewatimu, oase akan jengah, dan kaktus terperangah. Semua butir pasir akan tahu jika kau pergi, atau sekadar bergerak dua inci.
Dan setiap senti gurun akan terinspirasi karena kau berani beku dalam neraka, kau berani putih meski sendiri, karena kau .. berbeda.
Ada hal-hal yang kadang kita terlalu gengsi, terlalu berat untuk diungkapkan-akibat terlalu banyak berpikir dan khawatir. Tapi kata-kata yang ngga bisa diungkapkan itu, bisa terbaca lewat sorot mata. Dan sorot mata adalah penyampai pesan yang efektif, kalau kita percaya. Sadar atau tidak, your messages have always been delivered. Entah itu pesan negatif maupun positif.
Ada hal-hal yang juga kadang cuma bisa dilakukan, tanpa pernah dikatakan, selamanya. Tapi percayalah bahwa perbuatan adalah kata-kata paling magis yang bisa mengubah dan menyentuh seseorang.
"Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breath free"- HRH Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldo Renaldi Thermopolis, Princess Diaries Vol. IV: Princess In Training, page 265-268
That's what it says on Statue of Liberty. That's the first thing millions of immigrants to this country saw when they stopped on its shores. A statement assuring them that into this great melting pot of a nation, all would be welcome, regardless of socioeconomics status, what color hair she has, who she might be dating, whether she waxes, shaves, or goes au naturel, or whether or not she chooses to play sports.
And isn't a school a melting pot unto itself? Aren't we a group of people thrown together for eight hours a day, left to fend as best as we can?
But despite the fact that we here at Albert Einstein are a nation unto ourselves, I don't exactly see us acting like one. All I see are a bunch of people who have split off into cliques for their own protections.. and who are totally afraid to let anybody new-any of the huddled masses, yearning to breath free-into their precious, selective little group.
Which totally sucks.
History has tried and rejected many formsof government over time, including governance of divine right, something this country abolished hundreds of years ago.
And yet for some reason, at this school, the divine right of governance still seems to exist. There's a certain set of people who seem to believe they an inherent right to office, because they are more attractive than the rest of usa-or better at sports-or get invited to more parties than we do.
These are people who are at the top of evolutionary ladder. The people with the nicest complexions. The people with the bodies that are shaped most like models we see in magazines. the people who always have the hottest new bag or sunglasses. The popular people. The people who want to make you wish you were more like them.
But I'm standing here before you today to tell you that i've been there. That's right. I've been to the popular side. And guess what? It's all a scam. These people, who act as if they have a right to govern you and me, are completely unqualified for the job due to the simple fact that they don't believe in the most fundamental precepts of our nation, and that's that we are ALL CREATED EQUAL. Not a single one of us better than any other person here. And that includes an princesses who might be in the room.
Look. I'm not going to stand up here and promise you a bunch of junk you and I both know I can't deliver.
Yeah, that's what I thought. There is a real problem in this school, and that's that for too long, a group of that's in minority has been making decisions for the majority. And that is just wrong.
Actually, it's more than just wrong. It's a total violation of the principles upon which this nation was founded. As the philosopher John Locke put it,
"Government is legitimate only to the extent that it is based on the consent of the people being governed."
Are you really going to give your consent to the previliged few to make decisions for you? Or are you going to entrust those decisions to someone who shares your ideals, your hopes, and your dreams? Someone who will do her very best to make sure YOUR voice, and not the voice of the so-called popular minority, is heard?
Seperti berada di atas kapal yang terombang-ambing tanpa nahkoda.
Aku mual. Ingin keluar dari sini.
Sebetulnya kita ini apa?
Aku selamanya tidak percaya.
Kalau aku pantas untuk siapa,
Iya, aku penuh keraguan.
Penuh lubang.
Penuh segala hal yang buruk-buruk.
Aku sendiri tidak percaya,
Kalau suatu saat ada orang yang datang dengan penuh cinta,
Memintaku untuk menemani nahkoda.
Iya, aku sungguh sulit.
Sungguh aneh, sunggu rumit untuk sekadar ditebak.
Apalagi dimengerti.
Belum shalihah dan masih banyak kekurangan-kekurangan lainnya.
Sebetulnya kita ini apa?
Aku masih menganggapmu sebagai asing di persimpangan jalan.
Yang hanya bisa menunjuk,
Bukan sedia menuntunku berjalan.
Kecuali kalau,
Kau benar-benar mencari ayahanda
Dan bertanya sungguh-sungguh:
Mauku dan maumu apa?
Dalam doaku subuh ini kau menjelma langit yang semalaman tak memejamkan mata, yang meluas bening siap menerima cahaya pertama, yang melengkung hening karena akan menerima suara-suara
Ketika matahari mengambang tenang di atas kepala, dalam doaku kau menjelma pucuk-pucuk cemara yang hijau senantiasa, yang tak henti-hentinya mengajukan pertanyaan muskil kepada angin yang mendesau entah dari mana
Dalam doaku sore ini kau menjelma seekor burung gereja yang mengibas-ibaskan bulunya dalam gerimis, yang hinggap di ranting dan menggugurkan bulu-bulu bunga jambu, yang tiba-tiba gelisah dan terbang lalu hinggap di dahan mangga itu
Maghrib ini dalam doaku kau menjelma angin yang turun sangat perlahan dari nun di sana, bersijingkat di jalan dan menyentuh-nyentuhkan pipi dan bibirnya di rambut, dahi, dan bulu-bulu mataku
Dalam doa malamku kau menjelma denyut jantungku, yang dengan sabar bersitahan terhadap rasa sakit yang entah batasnya, yang setia mengusut rahasia demi rahasia, yang tak putus-putusnya bernyanyi bagi kehidupanku
Aku mencintaimu.
Itu sebabnya aku takkan pernah selesai mendoakan keselamatanmu
Tentu saja. Kau, yang selalu menulis dengan bahasa yang tidak kumengerti. Yang suka menangis sambil mengetik tombol keyboard.
Menangis membuatmu merasa hidup bukan?
Kau ini ya benar-benar ..
Apa kau mencoba menghilang dari dunia?
Sampai-sampai aku tidak tahu lagi muaramu.